Speaking of baklava.....

While I'm at it, I'm though I would add a picture of me taken on Easter this year. Being so far away from home, I decided to make Greek pastries to make myself feel a little closer to home! I used Yiayia's recipe...This was my first attempt by myself so of course they weren't as good as hers but I must say, they came out pretty good!


What nice genes!

Hey all! What a great idea! We should have thought of this a long time ago...

I added a photo of all of us from Yiayia's party...what nice genes she passed along to us!

Happy very belated Birthday to Melissa and James! I promise I was thinking of you both on the 6th...I apologize for not calling. Hope it was a happy day!

I hope all is well with everyone! Good job, Chris, for getting this started...



Welcome To The Baklava Chronicles

Hi all. We had a great time at Yia-Yia's surprise party. In an effort to help us all stay in better touch, I created this blog. The idea is that all of us can create posts to update each other on our lives, and include pictures or links to pictures.

Isn't the Internet great? Now we just need to convince Yia-Yia to go online!

btw, I also created a site called herbietown, mostly to share pics and sell our condo.

If you have any questions about how to post, drop me a line: christopher.m.herbert at gmail.com

Our Lovely Parents

Here's a shot from Yia-Yia's party. Yia-Yia and her children.
I uploaded a few more pics here.

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